A college experience for students with intellectual disabilities


At the University of Cincinnati, the Transition and Access Program (TAP), a four-year program for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, offers a non-degree option for students who want to actively engage in the college experience. TAP includes participating in regular college courses, independent living on campus, and the opportunity for professional internships. The goal of TAP, which is paid for by parents, scholarships, or community agency support, is for its graduates to receive the training and experience necessary to embark on successful careers.

"This is a program that can increase the independence of these students, because typically after they graduate from high school, they don't have a chance to live independently," said Heidi Brett Mendez, TAP program director. "They don't have a chance to experience college. They don't have opportunities to explore different careers."

TAP requires the students to complete a paid internship on campus each spring through the duration of the four-year program, in keeping with UC's vision to create an authentic, inclusive living and learning experience that builds career skills, academic achievement, personal responsibility and interpersonal competence, resulting in a promising future for young adults with intellectual, cognitive and learning disabilities.