Alma’s Technology: A Look at Social Connectedness

The Role of Technology in Promoting Social Connectedness

In the CAST video, Alma uses a computer with video conferencing capability and an Internet connection to remotely participate in the activities of a Virtual Senior Center. Alma can enjoy exercise and painting classes, and stay connected with friends, even after a stroke limits her ability to leave her apartment. 

Other technologies can also help reduce the social isolation that could lead to, or be caused by, depression. They include:

  • Phones: Amplified, captioned and easy-to-use memory phones give older people an easy way to keep in touch with loved ones. Phones with enhanced caller ID help users with memory loss identify their callers in advance. These phones display a picture of the caller and information about the relationship between the caller and the call recipient. Some cell phones offer basic phone service and have simple designs and features. Smart phones may provide video reminders, multimedia messaging and simplified interfaces for social networking applications. 
  • Internet access: Older adults can stay in touch with family and friends by using senior-friendly computers and simplified computer interfaces for e-mail and the Internet. These computers can connect older adults with friends, entertainment and information about topics of interest. Internet-based social networks can also help alleviate feelings of loneliness and alienation among older people. Vibrant and growing communities for older adults now exist, and future technologies promise to expand these social networks. This type of Internet access has been shown to relieve isolation and reduce depression.
  • Video games: Electronic games could help reduce depression in old age, especially when they encourage users to be physically active. Some video technologies let players interact through gaming communities that reduce social isolation among players. 
  • Video phones and video conferencing applications: These technologies relieve social isolation and loneliness by facilitating interactions between depressed individuals and their friends and family. Videoconferencing can also minimize guilt and worry on the part of family members who are unable to visit isolated relatives on a regular basis. 
  • Telemental health applications: Personal computers, video conferencing applications and videophones can also connect older adults with health care providers, who use them to assess, diagnose and treat depression remotely.