Superfest International Disability Film Festival is the longest running disability film festival in the world. Co-hosted by San Francisco’s Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State will take place this year from November 4-5, 2017. Tickets available now!
It takes a lot of work to organize a festival. I interviewed Karen Nakamura and Sara Acevedo, jurors for this year’s festival and asked about the process of selecting films from their perspectives. You can also check out my interview with Superfest judges from 2016. Please note: responses have been condensed and edited.
Is this your first year of judging? Tell me about your experiences judging this year.
Sara: This was my first year judging and I loved the experience! It was so wonderful to be in community and get to meet so many engaged activists and scholars collaborating on this year’s panel. I always enjoy and seek opportunities to share experiences, perspectives, and interests with various disability community leaders and advocates. I am interested in knowing about what other people are up to in their work and I am often looking for ways to collaborate and expand my perspectives! What never ceases to amaze me is that regardless of our individual interests and specific projects, the majority of the people I share in community with seem to be working toward collective social, cultural, and political goals around disability. One of the highlights of this first year for me was to meet the team at the Lighthouse for the Blind and to work closely with and learn from seasoned disability advocates and scholars of different ages, backgrounds, identities, interests, and so on.