Meeting transportation needs will improve lives of those with ASD, their families

An integrated approach to providing access to reliable and safe transportation is needed for adults on the autismspectrum and their families, according to a new Rutgers study that offers recommendations for removing barriers to better mobility.

The Rutgers report addresses transportation obstacles that those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities, and their families, must overcome to carry out their daily activities and offers recommendations on how to remove the obstacles. Many challenges are associated with transportation, such as the inability to live independently, reach employers and health care providers and even engage in community and social activities.

The research found that New Jersey adults with ASD travel primarily as passengers of cars driven by their parents and other family members, which often results in stress, inconvenience and negative employment consequences for both the adults with ASD and their drivers. While the availability of accessible public transportation is crucial for everyone with all types of disabilities, including adults on the autism spectrum, many do not have access to public transport or possess the familiarity or skills to use these services.