#ruready Some Emergency Planning Resources

These are some resources we have run across recently:

SAMHSA Disaster App: http://ht.ly/vcUVo

NCIL Position Paper: Emergency Preparedness and Response within the Disability Community: http://goo.gl/Ovir3q

Emergency Preparedness at Disability.gov: http://goo.gl/v4tJQO

Free Michigan Courses and Training in Emergency Preparedness: http://goo.gl/NHzw6t

Feeling Safe, Being Safe workbook will help you make a plan that you can use in case of an emergency: http://goo.gl/VWuMAI

Planning for Disaster If You Have a Disability: http://goo.gl/QX9JnD

Emergency Evacuation if you have a disability: http://goo.gl/Ogd2b2

Medical Devices, Disasters, and Power Outage: http://goo.gl/EmzZuc

There are many more. I hope these will whet your appetite for becoming involved in local emergency preparedness. The truth is that without stakeholder presence by people with disabilities, these suggestions will fail for lack of planning depth.
