Remembering Lucy Gwin

Great Website..........

What made Lucy so special? As Teresa Torres, commented, “She was the ultimate wordsmith and didn’t have an ounce of bull in her” (all quotes from Facebook unless stated otherwise*).

Lucy was the editor and force behind the Mouth until she became too ill to continue a few years ago. She struggled to find someone to mentor and succeed her, but no one appeared. Janine Bertram observed that Lucy was “the one person I believe is irreplaceable in the disability movement. Compromise was not in her repertoire.”

Mona Hughes wrote in the Orlando Sentinel on Jan. 22, 1998, after the Mouth had been around for eight years, “MOUTH won the Utne Reader alternative press award but turned it down because it was in the category of special interest. ‘Since when was anybody’s civil rights special?’ Gwin asked. I consider this publication a must-read when it arrives in my mail. I think it should be for every disabled person.”